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i++; } } // Confirm Delete var confVar = ''; // remember weather a button with value=delete has been pushed function setDeleteRequest(reqType){ confVar = reqType; } // confirm Request for deletion function confirmDeleteRequest(){ var confOK = true; switch (confVar) { case 'Löschen': confOK = confirm('Löschvorgang fortsetzen?'); if (!confOK) { confVar = ''; } break; case 'Ändern': /* confOK = confirm('Änderung durchführen?'); */ if (!confOK) { confVar = ''; } break; case 'Neu': /* confOK = confirm('News neu aufnehmen?'); */ if (!confOK) { confVar = ''; } break; default: // return changeTarget(); // return warningOnSubmit(); if (!confOK) { confVar = ''; } break; } warningOnSubmit(); return confOK; } // Scripts for edit language.ini function clickLink(p,t,i) { // activate clicked-box, display respective text // p: text in the row, t:picture background of the button, i: hidden that holds the actual value p.value=i.value; var hyPos = t.id.indexOf('-'); var j = t.id.substring(hyPos-1,hyPos); var tIdBef = t.id.substring(0,hyPos-1); var tIdAft = t.id.substring(hyPos,t.id.length); for (k = 1; (tTmp = document.getElementById(tIdBef + k + tIdAft)) != null; k = k + 1) { if (k==j) { if (tTmp.style.backgroundImage == 'url(images/x_nt_exist.bmp)') { tTmp.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/x_nt_aktiv.bmp)' } else if (tTmp.style.backgroundImage == 'url(images/x_exist.bmp)') { tTmp.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/x_aktiv.bmp)' } } else { if (tTmp.style.backgroundImage == 'url(images/x_nt_aktiv.bmp)') { tTmp.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/x_nt_exist.bmp)' } else if (tTmp.style.backgroundImage == 'url(images/x_aktiv.bmp)') { tTmp.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/x_exist.bmp)' } } } } function blurText(p) { // changed text rewrite in language.ini (call language.psi with the appropriate parameters) if (p.id.indexOf('tags') >= 0) { tIdBef = 'idtagsTd'; tHidBef = 'idtagsHidden'; tIdLan = p.id.substring(11,p.id.length); tIdRow = p.id.substring(11,p.id.length); tIdName = document.getElementById('idtagsName' + tIdRow).value tIdAft = '-' + p.id.substring(11,p.id.length); 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} else if (p.value.length == 0 && tTmp.style.backgroundImage == 'url(images/x_aktiv.bmp)') { tTmp.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/x_nt_aktiv.bmp)'; } } } var sessid = document.getElementById('sessid').value; var langfile = document.getElementById('langfile').value; var URL = '/PSI/language.psi&sessid=' + sessid + '&f_langwri=&langfile=' + langfile + '&language=' + j + '&tagtype=' + tIdType + '&tagname=' + tIdName + '&tagvalue=' + p.value + '&'; window.status = URL; win = window.open(URL, "_blank", "width=1,height=1,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no"); } // flickering text: please wait for result function setVisibility() { var waitForResult = document.getElementById("waitForResult"); if (waitForResult) { if (waitForResult.style.visibility == "hidden") { waitForResult.style.visibility = "visible"; } else { waitForResult.style.visibility = "hidden"; } setTimeout("setVisibility()", 1000); } return true; } // this function is called from confirmDeleteRequest() on return // it calls setVisibility if the form is submitted with a search requirement function warningOnSubmit() { // var formObj = document.forms['main']; // var formObj = document.getElementById("main"); // var fromSite = document.getElementById("fromsite"); var waitForResult = document.getElementById("waitForResult"); if (waitForResult) { // if (((fromSite.value == 'xHome' || fromSite.value == 'xSearch' || fromSite.value == 'xStrSearch') && // !formObj.submitButton) || // (formObj.submitButton && typeof(formObj.submitButton) == 'string' && formObj.submitButton.indexOf('f_search') >= 0)) { // setVisibility(); // } setVisibility(); } return true; } function screrror(txt) { document.getElementById('emsg').innerHTML=txt; }